"Smart Grid Network Simulation" by Morgan Waser, Brandon Perkins et al.



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Problem: In the coming years the United States is working to move towards a smarter electric grid. One that is more versatile and can adjust to different situations. To move forward with these from our current electric grid to the Smart Grid, simulations are needed to understand how the new grid is likely to behave in different situations.

Rationale: The importance of creating these simulations is to try and predict which topological set-ups are best for different kinds of scenarios as well as how the grid might behave under different circumstances. Once different situations are simulated, Smart Grid developers can use the simulations as a guide for building the physical and digital Smart Grid.

Approach: Our team used the simulation software NS3 to write our Smart Grid simulation. We are beginning with a basic network topology and trying to implement five use cases on this network. From there we hope to be able to expand to be able to look at slightly different topologies and compare their performance completing the use cases. The use cases are: on demand meter read, on demand meter read failure, on demand meter interval period read, normal meter reading operations, and bulk meter interval data read.

Interim Results and Conclusions: We have begun with a simple topology (shown below) with a point to point connection between individual meters and the data concentrator, which then send information to the data and control center. We have begun implementing the use cases while monitoring time for completion, loss of information and other important factors we would like to compare across all of our various topologies.

Anticipated Results and Conclusions: At the conclusion of this project, we hope to have a functioning simulation that can compare and assess different topologies and network set-ups.

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computer science, smart grid simulation


Computer Engineering | Engineering

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Milos Manic

VCU Capstone Design Expo Posters


© The Author(s)

Date of Submission

July 2015

Smart Grid Network Simulation
