Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts
First Advisor
Leong David
For children to enjoy theatre they must see a story played out physically. The same is true when children act. Young performers must be taught to act using a simplified version of the Stanislavski System that puts emphasis on playable action. This thesis evaluates current acting texts for youth based on whether or not the author is able to outline a method that is accessible for children, and highlights the importance of playable action in scene work. It also provides a guide to teaching theatre for youth based on a class of the author’s design where students developed curriculum, managed classes of students, and executed lessons that emphasized the importance of physicality in acting. It includes the process and script of a devised play based on Lewis Carroll’s poem Jabberwocky where the story was told through movement. The final section is results of these experiments and feedback from children.
© The Author
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VCU University Archives
Is Part Of
VCU Theses and Dissertations
Date of Submission
May 2013