Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Genetics

First Advisor

Rita Shiang


Craniosynostosis is a disorder characterized by the premature fusing of cranial sutures in an infant. Premature closure of these sutures can lead to detrimental consequences on the development of a child. The two broad categories of craniosynostosis are classified as syndromic and nonsyndromic. Nonsyndromic craniosynostosis involves only the fusion of one or more sutures, whereas syndromic craniosynostosis involves other abnormalities throughout the body of the affected individual. Two of the families analyzed in this study were of the syndromic nature, and known FGFR mutations were discovered. However, phenotypical features documented in association with these mutations differed from our individuals. Two families affected with nonsyndromic sagittal synostosis were also analyzed. Within one of these families, three candidate mutations were identified as possible disease causing mutations. These mutations were found in the genes ITGAV, SLC30A9, and BAMBI. Here we analyze the function of these proteins and determine the significance of the role they may play in nonsyndromic craniosynostosis.


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