Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Michael A. Southam-Gerow

Second Advisor

Heather A. Jones

Third Advisor

Melanie K. Bean

Fourth Advisor

Terri Sullivan

Fifth Advisor

Annemarie Conlon


The pediatric primary care setting has been discussed as playing a central role for the identification and treatment of behavioral and mental health disorders in youth. Although this setting is in a unique position to provide these services, there are many barriers to the integration of mental health care and pediatric primary care. The aim of this study is to examine perspectives of multiple stakeholders (i.e., patient, parent, nurse, resident, faculty, clinic director) in a pediatric primary care setting to explore barriers, behavioral and mental health needs, and facilitators to the integration and provision of mental health care for children and families in pediatric primary care. The study involved both focus group and individual interviews with a total of 36 stakeholders (patient n = 2; parent n = 7; nurse n = 4; resident n = 16; faculty n = 5; clinic director n = 2). A grounded theory approach was used to analyze the focus group and interview data. Barriers to integration and consequences of these barriers are presented, as well as facilitators identified by stakeholders to overcome these obstacles. Identified behavioral and mental health needs will also be presented. Limitations of the study and future directions are discussed.


© The Author

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VCU University Archives

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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

