"Heat Transfer Enhancement using Iron Oxide Nanoparticles" by Dale Stuart



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Everett Carpenter

Second Advisor

Maryanne Collinson

Third Advisor

Frank Gupton

Fourth Advisor

Hani El-Kaderi


Two different iron oxide nanofluids were tested for heat transfer properties in industrial cooling systems. The nanofluids either had 30 nm particles with a wide size distribution to include particles greater than 1 micrometer or 15 nm particles with greater than 95% of the particles less than 33 nm. Calorimetry and thermal circuit modeling indicate that the 15 nm particle ferrofluid enhanced heat capacity. The smaller particle ferrofluid also demonstrated up to a 39% improvement in heat transfer, while the larger particle ferrofluid degraded the heat transfer performance. Particles from the larger particle ferrofluid were noted as settling out of a circulating system and therefore not participating in the bulk fluid properties. Application of 0.32% 15nm particles in an open cooling system improved cooling tower efficiency by 7.7% at a flow rate of 11.4 liter per minute and improved cooling tower efficiency by 3.3% at a flow rate of 22.7 liter per minute, while applying 0.53% 15 nm particles also improved cooling tower efficiency but was less effective than the lower concentration.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

October 2012

Available for download on Monday, October 05, 2212

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