Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts

First Advisor

Dr. Joshua Eckhardt, PhD

Second Advisor

Dr. Catherine Ingrassia, PhD

Third Advisor

Mr. John Glover, MA


Thomas Coryate (1577?-1617), the writer, traveler and social climber, embraced various media in order to achieve social gains. This thesis surveys the content and materiality of writings by and about Coryate to investigate the nature of his sociability. The study begins by drawing on John Hoskyns’ (1566–1638) poem, “Convivium philosophicum,” to explore how Coryate used oral and social performance to create a unique form of sociability through which mockery is transmuted into praise. This thesis then addresses how Coryate’s sociability factored into the conflation of aspects of manuscript and print media in the production of the “Panegyricke Verses” that were published with Coryate’s travel narrative, Coryats Crudities (1611). Finally, it gauges the success of Coryate’s social maneuvering by analyzing Coryate’s follow up to his travel narrative, Coryats Crambe (1611) and an anonymously pirated version of the “Panegyricke Verses,” The Odcombian Banqvet (1611).


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VCU University Archives

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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

