Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Dentistry



First Advisor

Carol Caudill

Second Advisor

Patrice Wunsch

Third Advisor

Caroline Carrico


Purpose: Follow-up appointments after full mouth dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia (GA) have been suggested as a method for preventing future caries and need for repeat treatment under GA. The purpose of this study is to determine current practitioner and parental perceived value of the postoperative GA appointment.

Methods: Three separate surveys were administered for this study. The pre-appointment survey asked about the guardian’s desire to have a follow-up appointment. At the follow-up appointment, the post-appointment survey ascertained the level of patient satisfaction with their follow-up appointment and postoperative experience. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) members were e-mailed a survey asking them to indicate their clinical practice concerning the offering of routine follow-up appointments after general anesthesia.

Results: Most AAPD respondents (72%) reported scheduling a follow-up visit. The most commonly selected challenge was the high no-show rate (46%), followed by the appointment being non-reimbursable (34%). Providers generally agreed or strongly agreed that the postoperative appointments are important (69%) and that it should be a reimbursable visit (73%).

Guardians who attended the follow-up appointment reported pain as the most common symptom (41%). The second most common was bleeding (19%). Before the GA, most frequent answer parents indicated as the topics they would like to discuss at their follow-up appointment was “how to prevent future caries” with 67%. Of those who attended follow-up, 96.3% agreed or strongly agreed that the postoperative visit was useful.

Conclusion: Both pediatric dentists and guardians of patients undergoing FMDR under GA agree the postoperative follow-up visit is valuable. The follow-up appointment may be beneficial for continued patient management of the chronic carious disease process.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

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