Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts


Interior Design

First Advisor

Dr. Buie Harwood


During this period of high technology, designers are eager to create environments that have strong emotional appeal to people's physiology and psychology. Our exploration of the natural living space has become all the more an elusive search as modern technology advances. Interior design, in its concern for environmental engineering, endeavors to exploit the spiritual aspect of human resources. Through this message, people are inspired to higher planes of existence.A. PROJECT To design a Chinese Cultural center. B. PURPOSE 1. To introduce the traditional and contemporary Chinese culture to western people. 2. To illustrate and describe the philosophies of Chinese life and thinking to visitors of the center. 3. To create a new space and form combining oriental and western design. 4. To incorporate the use of contemporary materials, structure and technology. 5. To integrate the interior and exterior environment, and the building into a total design concept. 6. To satisfy the functional requirements needed in an exhibition area, guest house facility, restaurant, gift shop, and office area.


© The Author

Is Part Of

VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

June 2008
