Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Urban & Regional Planning


Urban Studies & Planning

First Advisor

Dr. John Accordino


Planning is a rational process where we rely on training and our five senses, but not so much on our instincts. How can we reclaim this missing element and balance the rational with the intuitive? Feng Shui provides a method for enhancing the current planning process by evaluating the physical form through observation and management of the movement of ch'i energy. The Feng Shui Neighborhood Evaluation checklist, created in Excel, allows the planner to examine the form of a neighborhood to assess the quality of the ch'i. Individual ratings are input for each evaluation point within a category. The Bagua is used to intentionally link uses in a neighborhood to those areas where the strongest supportive energy already exists. Supplementing the planning process with Feng Shui places the focus on the well-being of the residents to create greater harmony, a stronger sense of community, and a higher quality of life.


© The Author

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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

June 2008
