Defense Date


Document Type

Directed Research Project

First Advisor

Baneshwar Singh


Entomological and microbiological evidence can be used in the estimation of postmortem intervals (PMI). This study observes the horizontal and vertical transmission of the microbial community associated with blow flies of forensic importance. Variable region four (V4) of the 16S ribosomal DNA (16S rDNA) was amplified and sequenced from various life stages of blow flies (n=72) using dual-index high throughput sequencing strategy on the MiSeq FGx platform. No significant difference in bacterial community structure was observed between blowfly adults with carrion access and blowfly adults with no carrion access. Dysgonomonas, unclassified Proteobacteria, Escherichia, Ignatzschia, Providencia, and Prevotella were the six most abundant bacterial genera associated with adult blow flies. Lactobacillus, Providencia, unclassified Enterobacteriaceae, unclassified Bacillales, and Lactococcus were the six most abundant bacterial genera associated with immature stages of the blowflies. There was no significant difference in bacterial structure between larva and pupa samples. However, bacteria associated with egg samples were significantly different from bacteria associated with larva and pupa samples. This study highlights microbiomes associated with various life stages of the blow flies and its utility in decreasing error in PMI estimation based on both entomological and microbial evidence. This study also shows that blow flies are vectors of many human disease- causing pathogenic bacteria.


© The Author(s)

Is Part Of

VCU Master of Science in Forensic Science Directed Research Projects

Date of Submission

