

The author of this article, an art teacher, arts education advocate, teaching artist, pre-service art teacher supervisor and instructor confronts “either/or” professional identities in arts education. Multi-faceted artist/scholar/educator/ learner/advocate/personas are “unfenced” in order to navigate spaces of artistic, educational, and cultural production without having to pause for identification at borders. In this form, pedagogies for inventive social change emerge. Dialogue among fields of artists and educators links either/or, artist/teacher qualities in holistic and interdisciplinary descriptions such as artist-teacher, teaching-artist, etc. The hyphenated association has become postmodern shorthand for inclusive “both/and” professional identities that in the 21st century may be limiting or exclusive. I argue that nimble, socio-critical professional identity can be realized when “hyphenated” artists are prepared to embody pedagogy of intersubjectivity in third space practices.


© The Author

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Art Education Commons
