Document Type


Original Publication Date


Date of Submission

May 2016


Ureteral cancer is extremely rare, with only 3530 cases predicted in 2016. Therefore, published studies on ureteral cancers are limited to single-institution retrospective studies, which have not elucidated a clear recommendation on the best treatment modality. Large cancer databases such as the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program (SEER) are ideal for providing data for these rare cancers. Epidemiological studies using the SEER database with large sample sizes (13,800) found rising incidence of ureteral cancer over the past 30 years with worsened outcomes in older patients, males, and patients with regional/distant spread. However, to date, these studies have not used the available data in the SEER databases to stratify survival outcomes based on different treatment modalities. The purpose of this study is to assess the overall survival (OSS), cause-specific survival (CSS) and effect of intervention (surgery and postoperative radiotherapy) in patients with ureteral carcinoma. Methods

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VCU School of Medicine MD Student Summer Research Fellowship Program Posters
