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Date of Submission

May 2016


The lost to follow up rate specifically for five year post surgical UKAs is significantly higher for this population subset than the most recent published average as seen in a meta analysis review (Callahan et al. 1995). Follow up visits allow for proper assessment of complications such as wear and osteolysis which need early intervention to improve long-term outcomes and reduce the overall cost of care (Bhandari et al. 2012). Eleven patients, 27.5% of those that were lost to follow up, were without a correct or working phone number, which presents a significant barrier to care. Maintaining updated patient contact information and educating patients about the importance of intermittent follow up may aid in compliance. Further research is required to better characterize patients with poor follow up rates so that systematic surveillance methods can be developed to improve the quality of care.

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VCU School of Medicine MD Student Summer Research Fellowship Program Posters
