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VCU Rice Rivers Center Research Symposium

Date of Submission

May 2017


Prothonotary warblers are bright, golden birds who, with their loud calls, make themselves known in wetland habitats in the spring after returning from their winter homes in the Neotropics to breed. This migratory species is important to study because of their need for these habitats and are declining in population due to the degradation of wetland environments across the western hemisphere.

VCU started a project in 1987 to study prothonotary warblers including population genetics, breeding biology, and migration ecology. Since then, with the help of Richmond Audubon Society, the project has erected over 600 nesting boxes along the James River contributing to a database going back 30 years. This makes them an accessible bird to study and, with the collected information, help to better understand the causes of their decline


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VCU Rice Rivers Center Research Symposium
