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This poster was presented at the VCU Rice Rivers Center Spring 2015 Research Symposium.

Date of Submission

June 2015


Recommended Citation

In general, scientific research has publication of data as the end goal. The process and experience, which are of great importance in art disciplines, is not necessarily represented or valued. However, science has an inherent element of art to it, which deserves to be shown. I have been studying Prothonotary Warblers with a team from the VCU Biology Department to learn how I can reinterpret the research in a way that bridges the gap between the experience and typical scientific products. The research team measured spatial and temporal variation in warbler prey abundance (caterpillars and mayflies) and assessed how this affects warbler breeding success. They also measured the abundance of an algal toxin microcystin in the prey items and the birds themselves.


© The Author

Is Part Of

VCU Rice Rivers Center Research Symposium

Huddle_PROW_spreads.pdf (7482 kB)
Prothonotary Warbler research zine
