Document Type


Original Publication Date


Journal/Book/Conference Title

BMC Genomics




Sppl 5

DOI of Original Publication



Originally published at

Date of Submission

December 2015



MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have increasingly been found to regulate diseases at a significant level. The interaction of miRNA and diseases is a complex web of multilevel interactions, given the fact that a miRNA regulates upto 50 or more diseases and miRNAs/diseases work in clusters. The clear patterns of miRNA regulations in a disease are still elusive.


In this work, we approach the miRNA-disease interactions from a network scientific perspective and devise two approaches - maximum weighted matching model (a graph theoretical algorithm which provides the result by solving an optimization equation of selecting the most prominent set of diseases) and motif-based analyses (which investigates the motifs of the miRNA-disease network and selects the most prominent set of diseases based on their maximum number of participation in motifs, thereby revealing the miRNA-disease interaction dynamics) to determine and prioritize the set of diseases which are most certainly impacted upon the activation of a group of queried miRNAs, in a miRNA-disease network.

Results and Conclusion

Our tool, DISMIRA implements the above mentioned approaches and presents an interactive visualization which helps the user in exploring the networking dynamics of miRNAs and diseases by analyzing their neighbors, paths and topological features. A set of miRNAs can be used in this analysis to get the associated diseases for the input group of miRs with ranks and also further analysis can be done to find key miRs or diseases, shortest paths etc.


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