Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Interdisciplinary Studies


Interdisciplinary Studies

First Advisor

Sara Clark


I explore the use of color and texture to create mood and drama. I typically focus on landscape images, in which I can convey a sense of whimsy, mystery, community, or solitude. I use non-naturalistic colors and stylize the objects in my paintings but they are still identifiable as landscapes. My color choices, combined with the abstracted landscapes, urges the viewer to look at the world around them in new ways. I use a variety of materials to create my work including oil, acrylics, art papers, fabrics, miscellaneous fibers, and found objects. The tools I use include brushes, painting knives, plastic bags, cloth, and my fingers. Using a variety of materials and tools allows me to create complex texture and a sense of depth in my paintings. My goal is to give the viewer a lift or energy boost. I want the experience to be positive for the viewer and cause them to be curious and want to keep looking.


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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

November 2010
