Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Clinical Psychology

First Advisor

Albert Farrell


The sociocultural influence of ethnicity on peer victimization among youth has received little attention in the research literature. Individual ethnicity within school ethnic composition may influence the frequency of victimization and the effect of victimization on adolescents’ well being. The current study investigated these issues using a data set of 5,581 sixth grade students attending 37 schools located in four sites. Multilevel models examined the extent to which individual ethnicity within school ethnic composition influenced the frequency and impact of overt and relational victimization on changes in life satisfaction. Ethnic differences were found in the frequency of victimization, but these differences did not vary across schools that differed in ethnic composition. Individual ethnicity, but not school ethnic composition, influenced the impact of relational victimization on life satisfaction. These findings shed light on the influence of ethnicity on victimization experiences and have implications for the role of ethnicity in adolescents’ development.


© The Author

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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

May 2011
