Document Type


Original Presentation Date



Poster presented at the Annual Meeting, Medical Library Association, 2014

Date of Submission

May 2014


Objectives: The director of the university health sciences library (DHSL) and the new director of research data management (DRDM) must develop an eighteen-month plan to create a research data management program for the entire university. The program needs to support mandated data management plans and sharing, and encourage good data management practices throughout the institution. Methods: Collaborating with constituent groups, the DRDM worked with the DHSL to create a roadmap to deploy research data support across the university. Building on early work done at research and health sciences libraries with well-developed research data management services, the team opted not to conduct extensive faculty and research needs assessment regarding data management, assuming that discipline research data needs are similar from institution to institution. A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis was done to assess the data landscape of the university and identify areas where further professional development would be helpful for the DRDM and DHSL. The university website was used to identify researchers who seemed to be working with data, and these people were contacted with a series of open ended questions. The literature was reviewed to identify best practices and tools for use in research data management. Results: The program started with targeted meetings and presentations to faculty. The team assessed and took steps to address team knowledge deficits. Collaborative relationships were developed with liaison librarians in both libraries to extend their awareness of research data management and provide appropriate referrals. Plans were made to develop and share a core curriculum with liaison librarians for instruction in their areas. A communication plan was developed with the aid of the libraries' communication officer and web developer. Strategic partnerships were identified and pursued. Progress will be assessed to ensure that the needs of the research community are being met.
