Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



City of Richmond Department of Planning and Development Review


City of Richmond, VA

Date of Submission

May 2024


This paper serves as a critical component of the City of Richmond's extensive initiative aimed at comprehensively understanding and reforming its zoning regulations. Focusing on housing market conditions at both municipal and census block levels, as well as conducting individual neighborhood case studies representing diverse contexts within Richmond, it draws upon primary documents such as Richmond's master plan (Richmond 300) and the Department of Housing and Community Development's housing plan "One Richmond." The methodology involves thorough documentation and analysis of neighborhood-specific impacts of zoning regulations, utilizing the Pattern Book as a foundational resource. The content encompasses an examination of urban typology for each neighborhood, detailed analysis of property characteristics, and incorporation of demographic data analysis to contextualize neighborhood dynamics within Richmond's broader zoning and land use history. Key findings reveal the disproportionate and adverse impacts of existing zoning policies on disadvantaged and underserved communities, with historical practices perpetuating segregation and inequity. The paper underscores the imperative of centering the voices and needs of vulnerable communities in the zoning reform process and highlights the unique opportunity presented by the Zoning Refresh to rectify past injustices and promote equitable development. Ultimately, this plan aims to serve as a reference document guiding the City of Richmond in navigating zoning reform, fostering inclusive growth, and addressing historical inequities.


© The Author

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
