"The Green Infrastructure Network: Mapping Hopewell's Social & Natural " by Derek J. Cathcart

Document Type

Professional Plan Capstone

Original Publication Date



The City of Hopewell


Hopewell, VA

Date of Submission

May 2024


This capstone plan provides a map of the network of physical green infrastructure (GI) and the actors involved in GI projects in Hopewell. Green Infrastructure is mapped spatially with GIS and distinguishes between the various forms of GI present in the city. A network map visualizes the relationships between actors and their relationships with GI in Hopewell. This plan analyzes Hopewell’s GI network of social-ecological assets and their relative interactions. While the capstone plan is not a resilience plan on its own, it fosters resilience in Hopewell by connecting actors like city departments, state agencies, residents, business owners, and local and regional stakeholder organizations for all aspects of GI projects including maintenance, funding, planning, volunteering, and installation. The network mapping platform Kumu, and the spatial distribution of GI throughout the city provide knowledge and visualization of these social interactions and acts as a tool for future use.


© The Author

Is Part Of

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Capstone Projects
