Beers Atlas of Richmond, VA (1876) - VCU Libraries Digital Collections - VCU Scholars Compass - Virginia Commonwealth University | Virginia Commonwealth University Research | VCU Scholars Compass

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About the Beers Atlas
The Illustrated Atlas of the City of Richmond, Va., also known as the Beers Atlas, was published in 1876 and is a valuable resource for researchers and others interested in Richmond’s urban archeology, architectural history and historic preservation. Published for the Southern and Southwestern Surveying and Pub. Co. by F.W. Beers, C.E., the atlas includes a table of contents, 21 maps, seven illustrations of businesses (St. James Hotel, Richmond Stove Works, St. Claire Hotel, The Dispatch, Wilkinson & Withers, Healing Springs Bath Co., Wallawhatoola Alum and Chalbeate Springs, Old Sweet Springs, and American Hotel), and eight pages of Richmond City Business Notices.

Frederick W. Beers (1839-1933), of the Beers family of cartographers, was a publisher of atlases and maps. From 1865-1900, the Beers family and other collaborators published atlases of some 80 counties in 10 states, alongside city atlases, separately published maps, and county histories.

This material is in the public domain in the United States and thus is free of any copyright restriction. Acknowledgement of Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries as a source is requested.

VCU Libraries digitized this collection in 2022. Digital Specialist Katie Condon conducted digitization and quality control. Metadata Librarian Mary Anne Dyer created the metadata for this digital collection, with updates made by Digital Initiatives Librarian Irina Rogova.


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