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ProAm Sports takes fitness one step further by designing a tournament-based program, where members can sign up to participate in matches as individuals or teams in various sports and win actual cash prizes accumulated from a portion of their membership fees. Our project required implementing a database which stores information on players, teams, and games as well as a website that offers the ability for players to sign up, view information on events, pay for membership, and communicate with other players. There are three levels of paid membership, where each offers different benefits including discounts on event registration. After registering for an event, players can see their registration history and see which other members are registered for the same event. Members are able to interact with other players, compete with other teams, test their skills, and possibly win cash prizes. We implemented the website using Joomla and Community Builder so that the backend is menu-based instead of code-based in order to prove convenient for our sponsor. Extra functionality in the backend includes categorizing events by sport and tournament, making events repeat, and adding special discounts based on registration date. Community Builder also allows all members/players to create connections with each other and leave notes on each other’s profiles. Players are also given the capability of recording their achievements on their respective profiles for other players to view and take into consideration when recruiting for teammates.

Publication Date



Computer Engineering | Engineering

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Dr. Robert Dahlberg

VCU Capstone Design Expo Posters


© The Author(s)

Date of Submission

May 2018

ProAm Sports
