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The project being proposed has to deal the processing and identification of radio frequencies. As more and more frequencies are being used on the radio spectrum, noise and interference have become a problem. Currently spectrum analyzers can be used to identify this noise and interference but they require manpower and specialized equipment. Our project will focus on automating the process of analyzing multiple frequencies and identifying signals from interference. This will be done by first taking an input from a radio antenna to acquire radio signals at various frequencies and storing the values. These values will then be analyzed to remove noise and identify unique signals. Then finally, based on where in the spectrum these signals are located, the signals will be identified based on Federal Communications Commission regulations. The ability of analyzing a large array of radio signals allows for faster, and more reliable communication. In a high density area, it becomes very difficult to identify an unused radio frequency. By knowing which range of signals are being used, and which range is not being used, one can start a communications protocol based on that information. Due to the large amount of radio frequencies that are allocated for use, our project will focus on a reduced version of the radio spectrum. In doing so, we are able to have clearer results, and we will become able to be very accurate.
Publication Date
electrical and computer engineering, radio frequency spectrum
Electrical and Computer Engineering | Engineering
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
Robert Klenke
VCU Capstone Design Expo Posters
© The Author(s)
Date of Submission
August 2015