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The current issue in the process of transporting a patient from the operating room (OR) to the intensive care unit (ICU) is the risks involved with the IV stand being top-heavy due to two or three IV pumps weighing approximately 15 pounds each. This can lead to injury to the patient, or other personnel, if an instance occurred where the IV stand were to tip over. Having a single person to manage both the IV stand and gurney during transport can increase this risk.

To remedy these problems, the project team established the goals of developing a working prototype, testing and evaluating its feasibility, and demonstrating the use of the design to the sponsor. The constraints addressed in completing the design were safety (ex. maintaining access to patient’s head), a quick attach/release function, manufacturability, practicality, cost, and ease of use. The safety of those involved is of utmost importance during this process.

To solve these issues two separate solutions were developed in conjunction with two common approaches to affixing IV poles. One solution uses an IV stand on a set wheels and couples this to a bed, while the other transfers individual components to a stand affixed to a bed.

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Mechanical and nuclear engineering, IV Stand, Gurney, Transporting Patients, Safety


Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Nuclear Engineering

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Dr. Jessika Rojas Martin

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Dr. Spencer Liebman

VCU Capstone Design Expo Posters


© The Author(s)

Date of Submission

August 2016

Improved Way to Affix IV Components to Gurneys from Operating Tables
