Aaron Douglas [online video]

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Team 10: Dynique Moore, Collecia Lowe, Joy Westkaemper

Date of Submission

April 2019


During the 1920’s and 30’s, New York City found itself divided between white and black. Although Aaron Douglas was not familiar with racial division from his native home in Topeka, Kansas, he was indeed aware of the oppressions Black Americans were facing. After moving to Harlem from Topeka in 1899, Douglas began to not only bridge the connection between white and black worlds but also began connecting black history with modern synthetic cubism and music. This video sheds light on Aaron Douglas’s work in categories of political and social activism and highlights his life as a citizen and graphic designer. Although he is not included in the canon of design, Douglas’s work defines true moments of the rebirth of black artistry, a rebirth known as the Harlem Renaissance that redefined the status and expectancy of the American Negro.


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Design Beyond the Canon
