These materials, primarily from VCU Libraries Special Collections and Archives, range in subject matter from African-American history in Virginia to Richmond's past and present, from the comic and cartooning arts to the history of VCU, from medical artifacts to oral histories. Collections are presented in a variety of formats, including photographs, art, text, video, and audio. Digital Collections come from a broad range of sources, including materials that are offensive or contain negative stereotypes. VCU Libraries provides access to these items to support research and inquiry.


Browse the VCU Libraries Digital Collections:

Ancarrow Wildflower Digital Archive

Architectural and Interior Design Catalogs

Bang Arts Festival, Richmond Professional Institute, 1964-1967

Building VCU’s President's House

City of Richmond Atlases and Maps

Comic Arts

Commonwealth Council of the Girl Scouts of Virginia

Edward H. Peeples Prince Edward County (Va.) Public Schools

Farmville 1963 Civil Rights Protests

Jackson Ward Historic District

James Branch Cabell Scholarship

Kay Seidenberg Nursing Postcard Collection

Medical Artifacts Collection

Oral Histories

Oral Pathology Review Images

Rarely Seen Richmond

Richmond Architectural Survey Collection

Richmond Commission of Architectural Review Slide Collection

Richmond Comprehensive Planning Slide Collection

Richmond Illustrated Imprints

Richmond Music Journal

Sanger Historical Files (1859-1865), Excerpts

Selected Images from the Cook Photograph Collection

Stubbins Collection of U.S. County Courthouse and Municipal Building Postcards

Sykes Editorial Cartoon Collection

United States Civil War (1861-1865)

VCU Alumni Publications

VCU News Publications

VCU Photograph Collection

VCU Student Newspapers and Magazines

VCU Yearbooks

Virginia Dental Association

Voices of Freedom