Document Type

Doctor of Education Capstone

Original Publication Date



John Tyler Community College


Chester, Virginia


Updated version uploaded 2020-06-29.

Date of Submission

June 2020


The primary focus of this research is advising delivery models for community colleges. This capstone focused on the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), namely John Tyler Community College (JTCC). The research focused on delivering the most consistently supportive advising framework for faculty, staff, and students. A mixed-methods study was used by way of an online survey and in-person focus groups. Secondary data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) was used to compare JTCC to other colleges in the VCCS. This study also focused on best practices regarding academic advising and advisor development, evaluated the needs of current advising personnel, and provided academic advising strategies specifically for the JTCC student population. Using that information, this paper offers strategies for the successful implementation of new advising processes for institutions experiencing structural change.


© The Author
