Document Type

Doctor of Education Capstone

Original Publication Date


Date of Submission

April 2024


The Federal Bureau of Investigation Richmond Field Office seeks to diversify their applicant pool. In an effort to provide information on how to meet this need, our doctoral team analyzed the social media sites of six federal law enforcement agencies to include: the Federal Bureau of Investigation- Headquarters, Federal Bureau of Investigation-Richmond Field Office, Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the United States Marshal Service. By examining a 60-day window of images and their associated text on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram accounts, we wanted to gain a stronger understanding of the impact, or lack of, as it pertains to diverse posts on social media. Furthermore, we sought to understand how these posts may impact potential applicants. Lastly, we studied barriers, real and perceived, that applicants from historically marginalized communities might face when seeking employment in federal law enforcement.


© The Authors
