"Narrative for Expanding Visibility to Non-Black Students through Enrol" by LaDarius Thompson, Stephen Barr et al.

Document Type

Doctor of Education Capstone

Original Publication Date



Virginia State University


Richmond, VA

Date of Submission

June 2020


As the U.S. is growing more diverse, at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) like VSU, non-Black students are considered underrepresented. Current declining enrollment numbers at VSU have become problematic, creating a budgetary shortfall that has impacted student facilities, programs, and services. In response, VSU is striving to increase student enrollment through strategic enrollment management. This study examines how VSU can expand its visibility with non-Black, domestic students in high schools, and community colleges. Further, this study adds to the understanding of enrollment management strategies at an HBCU, as administrators, faculty and other stakeholders collaborate to provide an inclusive environment for students of all backgrounds. This study also provides knowledge regarding the impact of enrollment management strategies to recruit non-Black students to VSU.


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