Document Type

Doctor of Education Capstone

Original Publication Date



Virginia Commonwealth University

Date of Submission

May 2024


Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) offers diverse pathways for degree completion, including accelerated 4+1 programs, enabling students to earn bachelor's and master's degrees in five years. Despite program growth, enrollment challenges persist, prompting a study to identify barriers and enhance student experiences. This mixed-methods sequential explanatory approach investigates factors influencing enrollment in VCU's accelerated programs, drawing on Schlossberg's transition theory. Hurdles such as inconsistent data, limited awareness, and communication breakdowns across departments were identified through focus groups with advisors and administrators, as well as interviews and surveys with students. Findings inform six recommendations to improve program effectiveness, including creating dedicated support roles, enhancing recruitment strategies, and establishing centralized program tracking and quality assurance mechanisms. This study contributes to understanding accelerated program enrollment at VCU, offering insights to improve student experiences and program effectiveness. Insights gained may inform similar programs at other institutions, facilitating improvements in accelerated education pathways.


© The Authors
