"A Mixed Methods Program Evaluation of Chronic Absenteeism Intervention" by Amanda M. Harper, Dana L.G. Chen et al.

Document Type

Doctor of Education Capstone

Original Publication Date



Caroline High School

Date of Submission

May 2024


This mixed methods program evaluation examines interventions targeting chronic absenteeism at Caroline High School, where being absent for 10% or more of the school year impacts student success. Combining student surveys, parent interviews, and a staff focus group, the study identifies absenteeism trends and evaluates interventions related to student attendance attitudes and behaviors. Findings indicate these interventions have significantly reduced chronic absenteeism, with emphasis on positive reinforcements. The research illustrates absenteeism's complexities, which then in turn require diverse strategies that address both individual student and systemic factors. This Capstone offers insights and recommendations for tackling chronic absenteeism and aims to guide administrators, teachers, and policymakers in enhancing student participation through a holistic attendance improvement approach.


© The Authors
