Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Health Related Sciences

First Advisor

Dr. Shelly J. Lane


A review of the literature indicates that how infants are positioned is related to the risk of SIDS, the incidence and severity of plagiocephaly, torticollis, and developmental delays. A quantitative approach with survey methodology was used with 66 pediatric primary care providers responding to 26 questions. Overall, PCPs are educating caregivers about sleep positioning with a high frequency. There was a relationship between practice site, and the frequency of sleep positioning education is provided. While the participants provide education about awake positioning, and the use of positioning devices, it was with less frequency than they do about sleep positioning; there is limited education and awareness surrounding issues related to infants' prolonged use positioning devices among PCPs in this study. This information indicates there is room for further study of the long-term effects upon child development of extensive supine positioning, as well as potential areas for occupational therapy intervention in the area of preventative education.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

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