Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Interdisciplinary Studies
Interdisciplinary Studies
First Advisor
Joseph H. Seipel
My paintings are inspired by the places I have seen, as well as the people God has placed in my path. The individuals in my portraits are some of the people with whom I have shared a special bond. Upon reflection, they have been instrumental in deepening my faith. Their love, prayers, support, and deep questioning of my beliefs have enhanced my understanding of God and helped to strengthen my relationship with Him. 1 am very thankful for the ability to paint their portraits as an expression of my gratitude and love. God has also blessed me with opportunities to travel and experience His creation in different areas of the world. One moment I felt closest to Him was in Alaska as I stood awestruck at the bottom of a glacier-coated mountain, without a manmade object in sight. The vastness and icy glow of the mountain surrounded by lush greenery filled me with a sense of God's presence. In my landscape paintings, I attempt to capture these moments on canvas. I can never quite attain the original beauty of the landscape but I use vibrant colors in an attempt to recreate the majestic nature of God's creation, the original master artist.
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VCU University Archives
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VCU Theses and Dissertations
Date of Submission
June 2008