Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Music
First Advisor
Dr. John H. Heller Jr.
Paul Hindemith was one of the most distinguished composers of the twentieth century. This thesis will begin with biographical information, highlighting important events in his life. Then, in an effort to understand his compositional style and his philosophy of Gebrauchsmusik, his mastery of classical form, the Sonata for Clarinet and Piano is chosen for a detailed stylistic analysis. Treated in the analysis chapter are form, melody, harmony, rhythm, dynamic, and the technically problematic areas involved such as fingering and ensemble with piano. Hindemith's musical style is conservative in form and tonality. Tonality and melodic motives constitute the dominant force throughout the entire sonata. In the analysis of harmony in this study, Hindemith's own analytical method, which he established on acoustical phenomenon, will be employed as is necessary
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VCU University Archives
Is Part Of
VCU Theses and Dissertations
Date of Submission
June 2008