Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
First Advisor
James Vonesh
Predation, density and disease affect behavior, morphology and growth. There is a lack of information on how these changes relate to efficiency of energy transfer in anuran larvae, although previous studies suggest that predation should decrease and competition should increase efficiency. Using a 2 x 2 factorial design, we manipulated predation presence and larval density to test how predation risk and density affect energy efficiency. During the experiment, approximately half of the tadpoles were infected by an unknown disease. Neither predation risk nor density affected assimilation or growth efficiency, despite changes in growth and development. Disease, however, decreased gut length and growth efficiency. This study builds on past work on the effects of predation and density on a larval amphibian, but also introduces disease as another factor. Our study suggests that disease may be at least as important if not more important than predation or density in regards to growth efficiency.
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VCU University Archives
Is Part Of
VCU Theses and Dissertations
Date of Submission
August 2008