"Role of ROCK and PKC in regulation of contraction of permeabilized fem" by Brendan Browne



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Paul Ratz


KCl is traditionally used as a stimulus to examine the role of increases in cytosolic Ca2+ on the regulation of smooth muscle contraction. KCl bypasses GPCR activation, thereby avoiding activation of additional cell signaling systems, such as phospholipase C and PKC that are inherent to Gaq and Ga12/13 stimulation. GPCR activation causes Ca2+ sensitization (greater force for a given increase in Ca2+) by a ROCK- and PKC-dependent inhibition of myosin light chain (MLC) phosphatase. Recent studies have demonstrated that KCl can also produce Ca2+ sensitization, implying that Ca2+ itself may induce Ca2+ sensitization. To test the hypothesis that Ca2+ can induce Ca2+ sensitization, we permeabilized rabbit femoral artery rings with beta-escin and subjected the tissues to a Ca2+ concentration response curve in the absence (control) and presence of selective inhibitors of ROCK and PKC, the general ser/thr kinase inhibitor, staurosporine, and the MLCK inhibitor, wortmannin. For a comparison, tissues permeabilized with beta-escin were also contracted with the alpha-adrenergic agonist, phenylephrine (PE), and exposed to the same complement of inhibitors. Interestingly, Ca2+-induced contraction was inhibited by a PKC inhibitor in beta-escin-permeabilized tissue. Wortmannin and staurosporine nearly abolished Ca2+-induced contraction. The ROCK inhibitor, H-1152, significantly reduced Ca2+- and PE-induced contractions in beta-escin permeabilized tissues. Western blots showed significant decreases in basal MYPT1-pThr853 by ROCK inhibitors and reduction of MLC-p by ROCK and PKC inhibitors. These data support our hypothesis that elevations in Ca2+ or constitutive ROCK activity may cause ROCK-dependent Ca2+ sensitization. Moreover, data also suggest the possibility of PKC-directed activation of the RhoA/ROCK cascade. Once the mechanism for smooth muscle Ca2+ sensitization is understood, advanced treatments for vascular hyper-contraction disorders, such as vasospasm and hypertension, may be possible.


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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

February 2009
