Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Karan Replogle DDS

Second Advisor

Al M. Best PhD

Third Advisor

Ellen Byrne DDS PhD


The purpose of this study was to compare the resistance to fracture by the twisting of two nickel titanium (NiTi) rotary file systems. The Profile® GT® (GT) and the GT® Series X(TM) (GTX) files were tested to analyze the maximum torsional strength and the maximum angular deflection at the time of separation of the files. For each system, ten new files were tested at each of the following eight taper/size designations for a total of 160 files: 20/0.04, 20/0.06, 30/0.04, 30/0.06, 30/0.08, 40/0.04, 40/0.06, and 40/0.08. The American National Standards Institute / American Dental Association Specification No. 28 was implemented to evaluate torsional limits for these intruments. Files were mounted in a Maillefer Torsiometre machine, which records maximum torsional strength and angular deflection at separation for each file. A two-way ANOVA revealed significant differences after comparing the size and type of file. The GT files required significantly more torque to separate than the GTX files in all groups tested except the GTX file size 20/0.06, which required significantly more maximum torque than the GT file, with no significant difference between the GT and GTX files for size 30/0.04. The GT files exhibited values for angular deflection at separation that were significantly higher than those for the GTX files at sizes 30/0.04 and 40/0.08 and the GTX files exhibited higher values at size 30/0.08 with no significant difference between the brands at the remaining five file sizes. In summary, the GT files required significantly more torque to fracture and exhibited values for angular deflection at separation that were significantly higher than the GTX files for in 6 of 8 and 2 of 8 file sizes, respectively.


© The Author

Is Part Of

VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

April 2009
