Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Educational Studies

First Advisor

Jonathan Becker


This study examined the effect of a freshmen transition program on student success. Success was measured by achievement in test scores and grades, retention, attendance, and discipline. This study also examined the differential effects of student outcomes by student characteristics to include, sex, race, previous middle school, economic status, disability status, and proficiency in English. There were no significant differences between participant and control groups in the bivariate analysis. There were limited findings when considering students characteristics. There were main effects on Earth Science and World Geography test scores when previous middle school was held as a constant, and there was a main effect on the Earth Science test when disability status was held as a constant. There were two interaction effects. One of these was a negative effect in which males in the participant group actually scored worse on the Algebra I SOL score than did males in the control group. The other interaction effect was that black students in the participant group had fewer disciplinary incidents than did black students in the control group.


© The Author

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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

May 2010

Included in

Education Commons
