Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Educational Studies

First Advisor

Maike Philipsen


Although gangs have long been present, gangs exert an increasingly significant influence on the culture of students who attend schools, especially in urban environments. This case study investigation involved a purposeful sampling of four young men who were involved in gangs. By spending time with each young man in several interviews, I was able to gain insight into his perceptions of schooling, his teachers, and his view on caring in schools. The individual interviews focused on each student’s experiences in schooling through the lens of care. This research took in-depth look at these four gang members in their individual schooling environments. Although the literature gives a glance at gang members and their perspectives on education, the research has only touched the surface in understanding this complex youth. This study has added to the literature on gangs in schools and has explained in detail what these four gang members perceived in regards to their teachers and care. With these interviews, I have identified other themes related to gangs in schools that can be further researched. In this study, these four gang members have been given a voice.


© The Author

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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

May 2010

Included in

Education Commons
