Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Health Related Sciences

First Advisor

Shelly Lane


Auditory sensory differences and sensitivities are often mentioned by parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and in research involving children with ASD. Addressing these auditory processing differences is the goal of various auditory treatment techniques, but current research does not yield a body of evidence in support of auditory therapy as a treatment for children with ASD. This study is a single-subject study, repeated across two subjects, to investigate the effect of the Therapeutic Listening program on the social engagement and self-care skills of preschool-aged children with ASD. Both social engagement and self-care skills increased with for both subjects in this study. Also, parental stress associated with the mothers’ relationship to their child with ASD decreased. These outcomes indicate the Therapeutic Listening program can be a useful modality in the treatment of children with ASD; one that may improve the communication and function of the child and create an environment within the family that decreases maternal stress.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

