Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Interdisciplinary Studies


Interdisciplinary Studies

First Advisor

Sara Clark


I find nature to be an unending source of inspiration for my artwork, which includes a wide range of mixed media and crafts. In my work, I want to capture the essence of a single element of natural beauty, such as the undulations of grass in the breeze, the ripples of water on the shore, or the subtle swirl of clouds in a sunrise. I find that by bringing these natural images indoors, through my artwork, I can transform the space where it is displayed into a more restful and tranquil place. In my mixed media, I combine my photographs and paintings into abstract landscapes. I begin my process with a series of digital photographs that I manipulate and transfer to canvas. Then, using paint I intensify the color and tone of the photographs. I also use gestural marks to soften the photographs, to imply a sense of movement in the imagery, and to give a more dynamic aspect to the artwork. My craft pieces include installations, fibers, jewelry, and ceramics. The installations are created to evoke sensory experiences of natural elements. In these works, I incorporate sounds, smells, and tactile components. My fibers, jewelry, and ceramics rely on the visual aesthetics of natural patterns and lines.


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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

April 2013
