Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts
First Advisor
Matt Woolman
Second Advisor
Roy McKelvey
Third Advisor
Pamela Taylor
I believe that spoken and written languages are verbal and visual expressions of cultures. Language is used to convey and sustain values and the belief system of people. Arabic is a language of complexity and formal beauty that is being disregarded and pushed away by its own native speakers. It is losing its value in the Arab world. In other words it is dying. Both the written and spoken language is being affected. As the world is interchanging, integrating, and becoming closer, there has been a strong impact on many societies, threatening their original culture. Arab cultures are abandoning the rich tradition of the Arabic language to universalize communication. My thesis investigates the relationships between typography as both a visual form of language and play as a mechanism to help children become more familiar and intimate with their native language.
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