Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Educational Leadership
First Advisor
R. Martin Reardon
This study investigated the knowledge level of secondary building-level administrators and secondary teachers regarding adolescent suicidal risk factors and warning signs. Additionally, this study contributed a social mediation component, to explore whether educators believe that they have the potential to be change agents for youth in their school communities. Three hundred forty-three participants (318 teachers, 18 assistant principals and 7 principals) from the middle and high schools in a local public school district in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States completed a survey pertaining to information on adolescent suicide. Data analyses were conducted through detailed cross-tabulations and analysis of variances to examine educator knowledge. Despite a wide variability in scores, findings suggest that the majority of educators acknowledge having moderate to low knowledge levels in most critical content domains of youth suicide. Additionally, educators believe that they have the ability to be social mediators of change for youth in the school setting.
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VCU Theses and Dissertations
Date of Submission
December 2013