Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Roland Pittman


In resting muscle, blood flow is regulated to meet the demand for O2 by the tissue. A modified ischemia (I)/reperfusion(R) investigation was systematically run and PISFO2, PaO2, Q and VO2 were observed. Twenty-nine spinotrapezius muscles from male Sprague-Dawley rats (284±20 grams) were surgically exteriorized for intravital microscopy to test a model relating blood flow, O2 supply and O2 demand. The model can aid in the understanding of the regulation of tissue PO2. The interstitial PO2 (PISFO2) and perivascular PO2 (PaO2) measurements were made using phosphorescence quenching microscopy (PQM). O2 consumption (VO2) values were obtained with a quasi-continuous, flash-synchronized, pressurized airbag to initiate ischemia and sample the rate of O¬2 change (dPO2/dt). Centerline red blood cell velocity was measured with an Optical Doppler Velocimeter and converted to flow using vessel diameter. 5-, 15-, 30-, 60-, 300- and 600-second ischemic durations were used to observe changes in PISFO2, Q, and VO2. A critical point was observed following 30 seconds of (I) where dPISFO2/dt during recovery was the fastest (4.25±0.72 mmHg/s) and was 1.00±0.16 mmHg/s following 600 seconds. Flow recovery, dQ/dt, peaked to 3.88±0.64 (µl•min-1)/s after 60 seconds of (I) but significantly dropped to 2.83±0.55 (µl•min-1)/s following 300 seconds of (I) but increased to 2.92±0.45 (µl•min-1)/s following 600 seconds. This gives evidence to a no-reflow phenomenon occurring in the extended periods of ischemia. A peak in VO¬2 to 309.2±45.0 nl O2/cm3•s with a time course of 160 seconds occurred following 600 seconds of ischemia. As the ischemic duration decreased, the time course and peak VO2 also decreased. VO2 following 300 seconds of (I) was significantly higher than 5-60 seconds of (I) (p <0.05) but was not significantly different from 600 seconds of (I). The information collected during the Q and VO2 studies can be incorporated into a factor, M, that relates VO2, Q and ∆PO2. M calculated for the recovery of 5- through 60-second (I) groups reasonably relates the three variables due to consistency and little variability. However, recovery in 600- and especially 300-second (I) groups showed higher variability in M which requires more consideration.


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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

December 2013

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Physiology Commons
