"Story-Telling Through the Design of a Permanent Mission Trip Training " by Betty L. Rowe



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts



First Advisor

Christiana Lafazani

Second Advisor

Camden Whitehead

Third Advisor

Rab McClure

Fourth Advisor

Roberto Ventura


This mixed- assembly space is designed as a permanent mission trip training and housing facility. Predominately the space will be used by middle school and high school youth. By creating a modern experience, teens are given a better opportunity to engage in a space they can relate to. It becomes a space where young people feel encouraged to share their feelings, beliefs and desires as they journey into a closer, more intimate relationship with a higher being.

The space is intended to serve a transient population. A large portion of the first floor is devoted to communal gathering which provides a space dedicated to praise and worship as well as an adjacent space for dining. The space also features lounge areas, a welcome center, restrooms and locker rooms, and spaces for lodging.

This project is an exploration of story-telling and how it can both impact and encourage a space. The idea behind the project is to help teenagers focus on something they cannot see or touch. Design strategies including connections, interactions, processions and transitions become very influential to the space.


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VCU University Archives

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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

