Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Dentistry
First Advisor
Dr. Karan Replogle
Second Advisor
Dr. Al Best
Third Advisor
Dr. Chester Mayo
There is no universal protocol for diagnosing, treating and managing cracked teeth. The purpose of this survey was to investigate the use of traditional methods of crack detection and to explore how treatment decisions were made using an intrapulpal crack classification. The electronic survey was sent to 1115 active members of the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) and The Digital Office (TDO™) community. Comparisons were assessed using logistic or repeated-measures regression. The most often used diagnostic method was probing. When the crack involved one wall, 85% of respondents would complete root canal therapy > 50% of the time or always. For two or more walls, the percentage dropped to 44%. When the crack involved the floor or orifices, 60% would not complete treatment. For necrotic teeth, 36% of respondents preferred extraction as opposed to 3% if vital. This survey illustrated the anecdotal nature of detection, diagnosis and management of cracked teeth.
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