"Disclosure and Compliance Practices and Associated Corporate Character" by Meha Kohli



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Rasoul H. Tondkar

Second Advisor

Jayaraman Vijayakumar


The present study empirically investigates the level of compliance by listed Indian firms with disclosure requirements of Indian Accounting Standards. India’s Accounting Standards have been gradually converging with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) since 2001. India currently stands on the verge of adopting the International standards. Indian companies are working fervently towards adopting IFRS. This provides an extraordinary research environment to assess the level of compliance during this transitional time as well as lending an opportunity for a post adoption study. This study addresses two research questions developed to review annual reports of 156 listed Indian firms to determine (1) their current level of compliance with selected disclosure requirements of Indian Accounting Standards, and (2) key corporate characteristics that affect their level of compliance. The data used for the study pertains to the financial year 2009-2010 and utilizes disclosure and compliance index methodology to calculate the level of disclosure. Overall, the findings of this study indicate none of the companies in the sample was fully compliant with the mandatory requirements of the Indian Accounting Standards. On average, level of disclosure made by Indian companies based on selected mandatory disclosures is 70.91%. Nevertheless, the disclosure levels were on an average comparable to results from similar studies conducted in other developing countries. Moreover, results indicated a strong and positive association between level of disclosure and the size, profitability and timeliness of reporting of the sample companies.


© The Author

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VCU University Archives

Is Part Of

VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

August 2012

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Accounting Commons
