Defense Date
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts
Craft/Material Studies
First Advisor
Blair Clemo
Second Advisor
Debbie Quick
Third Advisor
Jack Wax
Fourth Advisor
Andrea Keys Connell
My work explores the complex social geography of modern society and the intricate relationship between mankind and the environment. Through this work I explore the past and present lineage of manifest destiny, from its beginnings in Europe to western expansion in America, to forms it has takes in contemporary America. These ceramic forms serve as the conceptual grounds to explore the romanticizing of the western landscape especially from an individual and group perspective. I simultaneously celebrate the history of the pastoral life while questioning the authenticity, and motivations of that lifestyle, and use this platform as a jumping off point to ask questions about humanities complicated relationship with nature. Through hand-labor, contemplative making, and a reverence for tradition, I explore both interrelated and divergent human perceptions using clay as my primary medium.
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Date of Submission