"Developmental Trajectories of Alcohol Use and Alcohol Use Disorder" by Elizabeth C. Long



Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Clinical and Translational Sciences

First Advisor

Nathan A. Gillespie

Second Advisor

Kenneth S. Kendler

Third Advisor

Elizabeth Prom-Wormley

Fourth Advisor

Alexis Edwards

Fifth Advisor

Hermine Maes


Alcohol use (AU) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) are leading causes of morbidity, premature death, and economic burden. They are also associated with high levels of disability and many other negative outcomes. Twin and family studies have consistently shown that AU and AUD are complex traits influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Although much has been learned about the genetic and environmental etiology of AU and AUD, significant gaps remain. These include the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the roles of risk and protective factors, and the nature of developmental trajectories underpinning the progression from AU to AUD. The aims of this dissertation are: (1) to examine the roles of resilience and personality disorders in the etiology of AU and AUD; (2) to investigate the nature of longitudinal changes in genetic and environmental risk factors responsible for individual differences in AU; and (3) to determine the moderating roles of key environmental risk factors on the impact of aggregate molecular, or polygenic, risk for AU during adolescence. Using both biometrical behavioral genetic and molecular genetic methodologies, five key findings were observed: (1) Resilience is strongly associated with a reduction in risk for AUD, and this relationship appears to be the result of overlapping genetic and shared environmental influences; (2) Borderline and antisocial personality disorders are the strongest and most stable personality pathology predictors of the phenotypic and genotypic liability to AU and AUD across time; (3) Genetic influences on the development of AUD from early adulthood to mid-adulthood are dynamic, whereby two sets of genetic risk factors contribute to AUD risk; (4) The specific genetic influences on AU follow an unfolding pattern of growth over time, whereas unique environmental risk factors are consistent with an accumulation of environmental impacts and risks across time; and (5) High peer group deviance and low parental monitoring are associated with increased AU, while early parental monitoring moderates the polygenic risk for AU at age 20. The implications of these results with regard to prevention and intervention efforts are discussed.


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VCU University Archives

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VCU Theses and Dissertations

Date of Submission

